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12th March 2009

Here are five papers on childhood, the effects childhood experience can have on adulthood, and the effects adults may then have on their own children.  The first paper by Brody et al. is the encouraging one.  It demonstrates how caring parenting can combat genetic vulnerability - "involved-supportive" mothering greatly reduced the link between vulnerable genes and subsequent youth...

8th March 2009

Cipriani and colleagues published a major multiple-treatments meta-analysis of new generation antidepressants last week - see abstract below.  As Parikh wrote in his linked editorial (see below) "Andrea Cipriani and colleagues provide the field with a major answer.  Free of any potential funding bias (and including an analysis of studies based on pharmaceutical-company...

5th March 2009

Here are five papers on difficulties experienced by adolescents.  A couple of the papers are follow-up studies.  Colman et al looked at the multiple negative personal & relationship outcomes in a UK national cohort of adolescents with conduct problems followed over 40 years.  Wentz et al studied the somewhat more encouraging 18 year outcomes of a group of adolescents suffering from...