Exeter conference day 2: mindfulness & health anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder, therapeutic alliance, and politics
Last updated on 11th April 2010
Here are a collection of downloadable forms, questionnaires and handouts that I use when working with people struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder.
Normal intrusions - a list of 52 "normal intrusive thoughts" with the percentage of 293 students (none of whom had been diagnosed with a mental health problem) who reported that they had experienced this thought. I often hand out this leaflet to help people realize that experiencing occasional disturbing intrusive thoughts is totally normal.
OCD diagnosis & prevalence - leaflet giving DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder and some details of prevalence rates.
The eye altering, alters all. - William Blake
Sufferers from somatoform disorders report physical symptoms that, despite full investigation, are not adequately explained by a medical illness, substance abuse, or another psychological disorder. The somatoform disorders category includes health anxiety disorder (hypochondriasis), somatization disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and other related conditions.
Here are details and links for a couple of dozen January articles that I found interesting.