Handouts & questionnaires for emotions, schema & personality
Last updated on 26th January 2009
Here are a set of diverse handouts and questionnaires on emotions, schema and personality. The "triangle of emotions" is a model I put together to help guide work on the longer term dysfunctional personality patterns that we probably all experience to some extent. The "big five" is a very widely used way of assessing personality, and this "ten aspects" version I find particularly interesting. There are then a series of handouts from Arnoud Arntz's fine work on understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder. I have found that Arntz's ideas seem more broadly helpful than just with borderline (which anyway is a poor descriptor for this emotional regulation disorder). There are also some sheets derived from Young's associated work on schema.
Triangle of emotions, page 1 & page 2 - here is a two page handout (printed out at 2 Powerpoint slides to a page) that I use a lot, especially when working with long term personality patterns. The ideas aren't at all original, although this particular way of presenting them is my own. I point out that a triangle of frustrated needs, dysfunctional beliefs, and outdated unhelpful behaviours probably made sense and may even have served them well, when the pattern developed in childhood/adolescence (e.g. in relation to "past people", slide 4), but that the triangle may well not be serving them well now (in relation to "current people" in their lives, and possibly with "therapist or group" too - providing learning opportunities in-session). I tend to encourage work at all corners of the triangle - clarifying healthy needs, challenging dysfunctional beliefs, and exploring more functional behaviours.
Triangle of emotions, assessment & treatment - these two handouts are usually printed out as 1 slide to a page. They give suggestions for ways to assess and treat/help each corner of the triangle.
Personality assessment, big five aspects & domains questionnaire & background - I like the way the "Big Five" (Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion & Openness to Experience) approach to personality assessment is applicable to all of us, not just those who are said to suffer from "personality disorders". I even more like this DeYoung et al's 10 aspects approach.
Arntz/Young emotional regulation disorder mode diagrams - here are a pair of Powerpoint slides that I print out as a two-slides-to-a-page handout. The diagrams are at the heart of Arntz's very successful treatment for borderline personality disorder.
Arntz/Young emotional regulation disorder mode template - this "template" taken from the mode diagrams (above) makes it easier to write on the client's own descriptors for the the different modes e.g. "healthy George" or "toxic mother" or "frightened little Jane" etc. Using their own words to describe their different "modes" is likely to be useful therapeutically.
Arntz/Young transforming inner conflicts mode diagrams - interestingly this Arntz mode diagram is useful more broadly than simply for people suffering from borderline personality disorder. In fact most of us can probably see ourselves, to some extent, in these diagrams. I use this slightly adapted version of the original handout (see above) when working in these less borderline-focused instances.
Arntz/Young transforming inner conflicts mode template - again, this is an adaption of the Arntz work that I use in less borderline-focused instances of personality work (see above)
Overview of therapeutic methods (adapted parent/adult/child model), page 1 & page 2 - (print these out as 2 Powerpoint slides to a page handouts) after surprising myself with how useful I found the adapted Arntz diagrams (see above), I thought it might be fun to expand the ideas back to a version of the old Transactional Analysis parent/adult/child model. This makes it easier to include Gilbert/Neff style self-compassion work ("self nourisher" on slide 3) and Fredrickson style work on encouraging positive emotions ("happy child" on slide 4).
Emotional regulation disorder/borderline: checklist & scoring - this checklist and the severity scale (below) are both from Arnoud Arntz's fine work on treating borderline personality disorder.
Emotional regulation disorder/borderline: severity index & scoring - the borderline personality disorder severity index (bpdsi iv) used in Arnoud Arntz's work.
Emotional regulation disorder/borderline: diagnosis & background - diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder and research abstracts about this surprisingly common condition.
Young, early maladaptive schemas - due to lack of good research I didn't take Young's work seriously until Arntz's results with borderline were published. Here is some information about Young's maladaptive schemas with a possible simple scoring system that I get clients to fill in.
Young, schema modes - and here are some details of Young's schema modes. These ideas were at the core of Arntz's work.

Thank you
Submitted by Guest (not verified) on Tue, 26/11/2019 - 22:43.
This has been a lot of help.
Thank you very much
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Submitted by Guest (not verified) on Fri, 17/05/2019 - 01:39.
some good information
Submitted by Guest (not verified) on Fri, 17/02/2017 - 08:26.
Thanks for providing us such good content for practice, research and help.