Alcohol & food
Money often costs too much.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are a series of information and assessment handouts on alcohol and food. "We are what we eat" is bit over-simplified, but only a bit. It's amazing how important what we eat and drink is for our psychological and physical health. This site's blog posts "New research shows diet's importance for preventing depression" and "Preventing cancer through life style choices" make this point well and also provide links with many other sources of information. Searching the tag cloud brings up much recent relevant research and advice. Try clicking, for example, on
There's a helpful editorial in last month's American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) - "Fruit and vegetables: think variety, go ahead, eat!" As with many journals, one doesn't have to pay anything to look at the full text of AJCN editorials. It's a good read. It comments on a paper in the journal by Myint et al showing a 42% reduction in stroke for those in the highest quartile - the top 25% - of plasma vitamin C compared with those in the lowest quartile (independently of other risk factors such as smoking, exercise, age, weight and so on). Eat 5 to 9 portions of fruit & veg daily
Last updated on 7th December 2009
Common sense isn’t common
Last updated on 6th November 2014